
Mahmoud-Tudor Hamdan

Backend Engineer
Frontend Engineer

Pioneering Preventative Health for a Better Tomorrow

By combining cutting-edge diagnostics, personalized doctor care, and tailored programs, these products aimed for providing comprehensive support to detect diseases early, enhance overall wellbeing, and optimize patient - practitioner relationships in the healthcare industry.
Had the chance to be part of an amazing, small team of engineers, centered around product strategy and delivering things for practitioners to use, tightening the feedback loop.

Built the Patient Management System from scratch

Layout Optimization: Introduced Flex, Stack, and Group components for more efficient layout styling, reducing the need for redundant flex styles
Enhanced Patient Experience by implementing features like

Stabilized the Project and took it from Prototype to Production

Component Refactoring and Reusability: Extracted common logic, enhanced existing components, and improved reusability by moving components and refining their functionalities
Navigation and UI Improvements
Technical Enhancements and Maintenance
Partner With Mahmoud-Tudor
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