Digital Internship Platform - DIP

Firdaouss Lotfi


Web Designer

Fullstack Engineer

Web Developer





Design and implementation of an internship management platform for the ENSAM
Casablanca school : DIP Digital Internship Platform
Welcome page of the platform
Welcome page of the platform

Acquired skills

Latest web technologies (ANGULAR, DJANGO, POSTGRESQL)
Most efficient work methodologies (AGILE, kanban..)
Use of package and version control systems (GIT, GITHUB, ANACONDA..)

Detailed description

The main task of this project was to develop a platform to meet the needs of the RPCS department in terms of managing internship campaigns for ensamian students.
To carry out this work, a study of the company's needs was necessary and then draw up the specifications. Next came the choice of the various technologies and work methodologies to be used. Lastly, the project was implemented and developed.
The proposed solution is a platform that both tracks students' internships/insertions and centralizes data relating to their internships. We are introducing tools to help filter internship reports according to various criteria. What's more, the library will be available to all registered students and teachers, so there's no need to go through the Department of External Relations and Cooperation. Professors can also follow the progress of their students by accessing their profiles or the assisted internship area. They can also access a report validation area, where they will have access to the various supervised reports, with the option of validating a report after examining it.
The solution is be accessible to students, teachers and administrators. All these users will have access to various areas according to their respective roles, after logging in. These areas mainly comprise a menu for moving from one section of the platform to another, a navbar for logging out, and other elements.
Teachers will have access to the library of reports and the list of supervised students. While students can view their own information, import their internship reports, and use the report library. And as far as the procedure administrator is concerned, he or she will have access to the resources mentioned above, as well as being responsible for managing the various elements of the platform, such as form activation/deactivation, student management, teacher management, initial validation of submitted reports, and so on. He or she will also have access to the analysis tools and statistics mentioned above.

Screenshots of the solution

The DIP or "digital internship platform" consists of an external view available to the public and an internal view available to people at Ensam Casablanca. The internal view can only be accessed if you have an account on the platform. In fact, three types of account/profile are available: student profile, teacher profile and administrator profile. Since we have three profile types, we automatically have three different spaces. In the following screenshots, we'll take you on an elaborate tour of the platform:
Welcome page of the platform
Welcome page of the platform
Sign-up page
Sign-up page

a. Student space

Home page - student
Home page - student

b. Professor space

Home page - professor
Home page - professor

c. Admin space

Home page - administrator
Home page - administrator

Database Conception

database conception
database conception
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Posted Dec 26, 2023

Design and implementation of an internship management platform for the ENSAM Casablanca school : DIP Digital Internship Platform






Web Designer

Fullstack Engineer

Web Developer




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