World Greatest Mistake

Ford Johnson


Content Writer

This book is a Word-based revelation for a newly discovered dimension in God’s call that triggers the hidden secret of "the World Greatest Mistake" made by mankind. It starts from the first man's call and that of Abraham which compromised God's Call there by obstructing the peace of the world through this mistake. This mistake led to the overall obstruction of peace and the terrorist attacks we face today. It further reveals to us about the origin behind this very act of terror and why we are being attacked by Islam in the name of Allah. It also touches into the secret behind the rapings, killings and bombing we face from these fundamentalists in the name of Allah.
The truth and secret behind Islamic radicalisms.
What triggered it, the mistake that led to the distorted peace in the world today through Islam and many more...
Humanity did not really fall because of sin rather because of the compromised call of God. This is traceable and connected to the original first call.
The Call reveals to you why and how our state, as the church and that of mankind and individual Christians at large, lost the first fight and how we are still in the recovery process. What makes the world complete, and incomplete is associated and hidden in God’s call for mankind. And what makes our spiritual journey a fulfilled one is also hidden in God’s call for mankind. Thinking and digging into the word of God about the world and the mysteries that surround it, I found these hidden secrets in God’s call. Our successes or limitations are in level of progress of understanding one of the world greatest mysteries of all times, the call of God for humanity.
May God bless your reading In Jesus Name.
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Posted Nov 17, 2024

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