Unfortunately I can't disclose much in the way of specifics/images due to an ongoing NDA, but overall I added a fully automated E2E testing framework to an existing codebase.
Problem & Solution 🤝
The stack was using an old version of AngularJS, it had to be supported in multiple countries (USA, Japan), and the team was entirely distributed (and consisted of mostly data engineers who would push updates to ML model).
• Tests could be easily picked up and expanded on by remote frontend engineers
• Tests could run remotely on code push (ui/backend/model all different repos)
• Test results could be interpreted by "non-testwriters"
Process 🛣
Not the first time I've done this (or similar) so the process is pretty standard for me now.
Establish project's testing priorities, limitations, and roadmap
Design/Implement testing strategy
Results 🎁
Thanks to the power of Cypress and JavaScript's flexibility I was able to design, implement, and deploy an easily extensible custom E2E testing framework with results that were easily interpreted by everyone on the team.
Takeaways 📣
Creating your own testing framework is easy if you know what you're doing and always worth it if it makes a testing culture easy to fall into instead of a slog.