3D Portfolio using Three.js

Wojciech Bednarek

Fullstack Engineer
Web Developer

Developed an innovative and interactive 3D portfolio website using Three.js for one of my clients, showcasing my skills and projects in a visually engaging manner. This project highlights my ability to leverage advanced web technologies to create immersive user experiences.

Key Features:

3D Environment: The portfolio is presented within a fully navigable 3D environment, allowing users to explore my work in a dynamic and engaging way.

Interactive Elements: Users can interact with various elements within the 3D space, such as clicking on project thumbnails to view detailed information and media.

Smooth Animations: Implemented smooth transitions and animations to enhance the overall user experience and maintain high performance across devices.

Responsive Design: Ensured the portfolio is accessible and visually appealing on both desktop and mobile devices, adapting the 3D environment to different screen sizes.

Technologies Used:

Three.js: Utilized this powerful JavaScript library to create and render the 3D graphics and interactive elements.

React.js: Employed React.js for building a dynamic and responsive frontend, ensuring seamless integration with Three.js for enhanced user interactions.

Challenges and Solutions:

Performance Optimization: Implemented various optimization techniques, such as draco compressing, low-poly models and efficient use of textures, to ensure smooth performance without compromising visual quality.

Cross-Browser Compatibility: Addressed compatibility issues to ensure the portfolio works seamlessly across different web browsers and devices.

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