Fullstack Personal Finance App
I've used my full-stack skills to build this project. Even though it's a side project, it's used by several people daily.
I've used Figma to draw sketches and finalize the design. I've also built a design system for the app to make the UI more consistent and scalable.
After that, I finished the front end using React, TypeScript, and Material UI by building reusable components and using SOLID principles to make the source code maintainable.
For the backend, I've used Node + NestJS for the services. I've used passport-js for authentication and MongoDB for data management. I've also integrated several third-party APIs for exchange rates and finance calculations.
The APIs that I've integrated are:
- Coin Gecko API
- Alpha Vantage API
- Polygon API
- Open Exchange Rates API
To deploy the app, I've used Netlify + CI / CD for the front end and Google Cloud Run to run the containerized app (Docker), and also used Artifact Registry + GitHub for the CI / CD for the backend.