Web-based Chess Game | Bug Fixed and built it again

Rakib Developer


UX Engineer

Frontend Engineer

Web Developer




🧗‍♂️ The Challenge

I got this project from a marketplace called Fiverr. The client's requirement was to build a chess game functionality that he didn't have, but a static HTML site. After that, I need to put it as a multiplayer game where anyone can join the match and the system would automatically set up a pair of random players and also set how many players are currently online on the platform. After that, I have to make a clean-looking landing page for the client. The delivery time was 24 hrs so I had to work all day long.
before the work stated
before the work stated

💡The Solution

First of all, I fixed the functionality although the project requirement was just to add the functionality of a chess game and connect players for making matches I can't avoid the visual part of the site.

The game contain 3 modes 5 min, 10 min and 15. If any player what to play 5 min mode they just press that and it will make match between the another play who wants same thing.

after I started the work
after I started the work

Tech Stack I used:

HTML - For the skeleton of the website
CSS - For the skin of the site
Javascript - To make an interactive site and also the for the main game functionality
library -
socket.io - For real-time, bi-directional communication between web clients and servers. It is mainly used to connect players of the game.
chessboard.js - It's mainly used to build chess boards with ease. It saves developers lots of time when they build the functionality.
(why didn't I use React js or tailwind css or daisyUI or other libraries here the reason is, that the project was very simple and didn't need any complex things. It just needs the functionality of playing chees and interacting with players in real time. That is why I did not use React js or tailwind css or other javascript library)

Ready? Set? GO!

Interested in making your online presence better, then you should consider contacting me on contra. If you hesitate about what would be the process for your dream website, this costly or not, then don't worry I'm here to help you like a friend. I can do a free demo if you want. I will try to serve you your desired product with my 100%, like a chef but for your business.
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Posted Nov 18, 2024

I obtained this project from another famous freelancing marketplace. The project involved creating a multiplayer web-based chess game.






UX Engineer

Frontend Engineer

Web Developer




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