Real Estate Video Editing

Muhammad Atif

Video Editor

Content Editor

Adobe Premiere Pro

Hello! My name is Atif & to introduce myself, I can say that I'm more than a Video Editor. 
I love digging into the project & making it something which can engage the end-user 
(which is the viewers in this case).
Real estate eye-catching Promo video editing Service.
- Do you need a Real Estate Promo Video like Videos?
- Do you have Aerial Footage?
- Do you like Google Earth Animation?
If the answers to the above questions are YES then are in right place.
Starter(1 Minute):
Need from you: Pictures & Drone Footage of the Property.
What I'll do: Professional and Cinematic Editing of your property.
Standard(5 Minutes):
Need from you: Everything in Starter Package + Some information.
What I'll do: Everything in Starter Package + Google Earth Animation.
Advanced(10 Minutes):
Need from you: everything in Standard Package + some special information.
What I'll do: Everything in Standard Package + Advanced Editing like Making a tour, Facts animation & a lot more
What do I need from you?
·        Unedited video files of the property.
·        Clear instructions about the project
Briefly describe the project you worked on. What did you create, who did you create it for, and how did you approach this project?
Tip: Try to keep this description brief and under 150 words by highlighting the best parts of this project— recruiters don’t spend much time reading detailed descriptions! 💪
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Posted Nov 24, 2022

Real Estate video editing






Video Editor

Content Editor

Adobe Premiere Pro

Travel Video Editing
Travel Video Editing
Professional Video Editing.
Professional Video Editing.