Project Sample: Cannabis Content Writing

Karen Bodkin

Blog Writer
Content Writer
SEO Writer
Google Drive

I have written over a million words about cannabis. Due to confidentiality, I can share only a small sample. I take my clients' wishes and confidentiality very seriously.

If you are a cannabis content creator looking for a copywriter with extensive knowledge of cannabis, I’m for hire! Here's a short sample of the beginning of one of my articles:

A Step-by-Step Guide to Growing and Harvesting Your Own Weed

Learning to grow your own cannabis can be a fun and rewarding experience. If you’re diving into this for the first time, you’re going to need to learn a few things and take the time to prepare beforehand.

How to Begin Growing Marijuana: Preparation is Key

If you're planning to grow cannabis outdoors in the spring, you need to know what to do for soil preparation. We will guide you through every grower’s main aim: to grow plants that are strong, sturdy, high yielding, potent, and have intense aromas.

We'll talk about soil preparation's benefits and how you can get your garden soil ready to grow cannabis.

An ideal cannabis soil mix will ensure that: soil texture and air-to-water ratio are improved, nutrients are available to your plants, root growth is improved, and roots are allowed to grow deeper. Plants will be healthier and stronger if the soil is well prepared since it will increase nutrient availability, encourage the growth of bacteria and microorganisms in root zones, and minimize fungi growth.

By mixing the best soil for your cannabis plants, you will enjoy health-giving, organic yields, more intense psychoactive effects, deeper aromas, lower nutrient costs, avoid the need for pesticides and preventive measures, and improve soil quality year after year.

To achieve the best results from each of your plants' stages, you must ensure that your soil has the perfect physical and chemical characteristics.

Knowing how to choose your growing area is important before considering the soil. Ideally, you want your soil to be full of microorganisms, airy, spongy, and also have a high water-to-air ratio. But first, location, location, location!

The first thing you need to do is choose the area where you will start preparing the soil. This area should be sunny, with at least 4-6 hours of sunlight; even more if you can manage it. You want to choose a flat area with easy access to water. Pick an area with weeds already, indicating the area is fertile.

You want to choose a discreet area, so you don’t have your plants stolen. This happens a lot. Thieves use drones to track down plants that are almost done, and poof! All your hard work is gone.

You want to pick an area with at least 30 cm depth, with no rot or insects. Weed the area. Many people use fabric pots outside, but this is not necessary.

Our plants were grown outside this year in fabric pots, and the roots actually busted through the fabric pots and into the ground!

Once your plants are planted, do not move them, even if they are in containers like ours. Doing so will break the root system if they have busted through the pot, and the plant may suffer or even die.

It is also wise to measure the soil's pH and texture, so you can determine what nutrients need to be added, including organic, organic-mineral, and vegetable products, based on the results obtained. Don’t skip this step, as it’s super important to your yield.

Besides, this process is fascinating and necessary if you want to know exactly what your plants are growing into. People generally don't have access to appropriately fertile soil in their gardens, such as soil with a pH between 6 and 7 and the ability to retain water.

Some soils are extremely compact and don't allow air to pass through. We'll go over a list of steps you can take to prepare the soil for cannabis once you have all of that down.

To prepare the area, pull all weeds at the root, and turn the soil with a garden shovel so it isn’t compact. This is called aerating the soil and should be done before planting. It’s best to do this approximately 3-4 days after heavy rain or watering the area well.

If you can crumble some soil in your hand without it sticking to your hand or turning to dust, it's ready for aeration.

As soon as your growing area has been chosen and cleaned, mix in a generous amount: mature sheep or horse manure, worm castings, worked compost, high-quality peat mix. You can also add bat guano (for phosphorus), blood meal or fish meal (for nitrogen), dolomite lime (for calcium and magnesium), and Epsom salts (for magnesium and sulfur). You must turn the soil with a garden shovel after spreading the manure or either of the previously mentioned products.

Time to plant! As you dig the hole, break up large chunks of soil, remove stones, and any other foreign objects such as branches. Dig your spade in about 30-40cm. It's important to dig a hole as deep as you think necessary; the bigger and deeper the hole, the more space your plants will have to grow. Go ahead and plant your babies!

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