Travelling agent website

Diane Mimouni

Frontend Engineer

Angular Material

Visual Studio Code

This project is a big success and I am very proud of how the website became one of the major of this industry. Aiming business travellers only the website has clients from everywhere and any kind of businesses. I worked with the CEO, his graphic designer and his back end engeneer to make a solid and efficiant website.

The Spark ✨

From a travel agency to a major business travel platform the website grew with a clear strategy. We've worked together for many years now and every goal was met.

The Stats 💯

Timeline: Travel planet is still my client and reach me when needed. Budget: I rather keep this between me and my client. Deliverables: • switching from travel agent to platform for travel agents • reaching the most high end clients • winning prices
European growth
European growth

I have to go swim in the beach because they are not done building my pool in the French Riviera ! 🚀

The CEO.

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Posted Aug 4, 2022

My client wanted a website for business travels. I worked with his team, his graphic designer and his back end engeneer.






Travel Planet


Frontend Engineer

Angular Material

Visual Studio Code

SNCF - Europe
SNCF - Europe
Ron Pon Pon | Shopify
Ron Pon Pon | Shopify