Web Based Game

Khuzaib Aamir

Web Designer
Game Developer
Web Developer
This game is a 2D platformer developed using the Phaser framework. The main objective is to navigate a player character, collect coins, and eliminate enemies before they reach the end of the screen. Here's a summary of the game's features and mechanics:
1. Game Setup:
- The game initializes with a background, platforms, a player, coins, and enemies.
- Images and audio assets are loaded during the preload phase.
2. Game Elements:
- Platforms: Static platforms are created, including a ground and additional elevated ledges.
- Player: The player character is controlled by keyboard input and can move left, right, and jump.
- Enemies: Three enemies are present, moving leftward. One enemy has additional gravity effects causing it to bounce.
- Coins: Collectible coins are scattered throughout the game, falling and bouncing slightly.
3. Physics and Controls:
- Physics are enabled for collisions and gravity effects.
- Keyboard input allows the player to move and jump.
- Player animations change based on movement direction.
4. Interactions:
- The player collects coins by overlapping with them, which increments the score and plays a sound effect.
- The player can eliminate enemies by overlapping with them, gaining points and playing a different sound effect.
- Collisions are managed to ensure the player, enemies, and coins interact properly with platforms.
5. Scoring and Winning:
- Collecting a coin grants 10 points, while eliminating an enemy grants 20 points.
- The game is won when the player reaches 120 points, displaying a "You Win" message.
- The game is lost if any enemy reaches the left edge of the screen, displaying a "You Lose" message and resetting the positions of the enemies.
6. Audio:
- Sound effects are included for collecting coins and eliminating enemies.
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