Zinea| Website, Android app

Sreejith Sivan


SEO Specialist

Android Developer

Web Developer




Check Out the Website Live Below:

Project details
App development started first with a simple project proposal and then meetings to gather detailed requirement from the client, detailed proposal with timeline and weekly meetings.

The Spark ✨

Explain how this project came to fruition, and why the client selected the independent. What were some of the client’s goals and needs?
Clients goal was to create an OTT streaming platform for South India, the project was done using PHP and Laravel for the website.
The platform was made with features like streaming using Vimeo, payment integration, notifications, AI chat bot, FAQ and help, user account management. Users can sort the films, web series, short films and album songs in different Genres, languages, IMBd rating and year.
The platform is monetized as a subscription based service.
Backend included User account management for movie distributors. They can upload movies through their account, see the watch hours and pay-out dashboard.

The Stats 💯

Timeline: 3 months Deliverables: • Responsive Website and App Design, UI/UX, SEO, Admin panel and movie distributors dashboard, integrated AI chat bot.
Company: Tiga Vision Communication Pvt. Ltd.
New Movies Page
New Movies Page
Web Series page
Web Series page
Android App Screens from Figma
Android App Screens from Figma
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Posted Dec 14, 2023

An OTT streaming platform was made with a fully functional website and Android App.






SEO Specialist

Android Developer

Web Developer




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