Thumbnail Designer
Adobe Photoshop
As a thumbnail artist for an NFL entertainment YouTube channel, my experience has been both exhilarating and rewarding. Crafting ten thumbnails per week demands a deep understanding of the dynamic world of football and the preferences of our audience. The challenge lies in creating visuals that not only capture the essence of each video but also entice viewers to click. Witnessing the success of our efforts is truly gratifying, especially when the most viewed video hit a remarkable 190k views just 20 days after upload. It's a testament to the power of compelling visuals in drawing attention and engaging the audience. Each design is a piece of the larger puzzle that contributes to the channel's overall success, and being part of that journey is an incredibly fulfilling experience.
Posted Jan 27, 2024
the most viewed video hitting 190k views in just 20 days, underscores the impact of compelling visuals in engaging our audience.
Thumbnail Designer
Adobe Photoshop