Social Media Manager for Tatted Labs

Isser Espedillon

Social Media Manager
Social Media Marketer
Content Creator

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Sample Social Media Image Content Post Made for Client:

Social Media Copy for caption made using AIDA FORMULA:

Attention: Tattoos aren't just ink—they're chapters of your story.

They mark where we've been, where we stand, and where we're headed.

Interest: At Tatted Labs, we get it. We're not your average aftercare brand. We're a squad of ink enthusiasts who live for the art and its legacy. Together, we'll craft your aftercare legacy, nurturing your brand to flourish and soar. Desire: Our products aren't just potions—they're guardians of your journey. We're all about keeping your skin vibrant, your ink bold, and your story alive.

Ready to take your ink to the next level?

Dive into our world of aftercare that's as bold and unique as your tattoos.

Action: Hit the link in our bio and join the revolution. Hashtag batch created: #InkedChapters #TattooJourney #InkStories #TattooReminder #TattooMotivation #InkEntrepreneur #TattooArtistLife #TattooAftercare #TattooInspiration #InkTherapy

Graphic Design for this content following brand guidelines:

Sample Social Media Image Content post end product:

Sample Social Media Video Content Post Made for Client:

Social Media Copy for caption made using AIDA FORMULA:

Attention: 4 Secrets to Increase Customer Retention for Tattoo Artists Interest: Rest assured, these four steps are the cornerstone of lasting connections.

  1. Build trust: Lay the foundation for enduring relationships by prioritizing transparency and reliability. At Tatted Labs, we're committed to earning your trust every step of the way, ensuring your clients feel confident in their choice to ink with you. Trust—the cornerstone of lasting connections.

2. Quality workmanship: Elevate your craft with uncompromising dedication to excellence. Our meticulously crafted aftercare products are a testament to our commitment to quality. With Tatted Labs by your side, you can deliver nothing but the best, leaving a lasting impression with each stroke of your needle.

3. Educate clients: Empower your clients with knowledge and understanding. Educating them on proper aftercare practices not only ensures optimal healing but also fosters a sense of trust and loyalty. With Tatted Labs' comprehensive resources, you can equip your clients with the tools they need for tattoo longevity.

4. Create a unique experience: Set yourself apart by curating unforgettable moments for your clients. From the moment they walk through your door to the final touch-up session, make every interaction with your brand an experience to remember. With Tatted Labs' personalized aftercare solutions, you can elevate the tattooing journey, leaving an indelible mark on your clients' hearts.

Desire: We're not just any company—we're passionate advocates for tattoo culture, devoted to empowering artists like you. Let us be the solution to your quest for exceptional aftercare, ensuring your artistry shines and your client's satisfaction soars.

Discover how our aftercare solutions can elevate your brand and keep your clients coming back for more.

Action: Hit the link in our bio and let's make your brand shine!

Hashtag batch created: #TattooArtistRetention #InkEnthusiastSecrets #AftercareTips #ExpandYourBrand #TattooArtistTips #CustomerRetention #InkEnthusiastCommunity #BrandGrowth #InkAftercare #TattooArtistSuccess

Video Content following brand guidelines:

Sample Social Media Video Content post end product:

Social Media Carousel Graphic Designs Made for Tatted Labs:

Social Media Copy for caption made using AIDA FORMULA:

Attention: Discover the secrets they're hiding! Interest: Unveil the mystery with Tatted Labs' 3 exclusive aftercare products. Designed for tattoo artists by passionate enthusiasts, these solutions aren't just ordinary—they're the keys to unlocking your success.

Dive into a world where innovation meets tradition, where vibrant ink meets radiant skin. Desire: Don't settle for the mundane—embrace the extraordinary. Join forces with us and craft your own aftercare, elevating your brand to new heights. 🚀

Attention: Let's make magic together. Tap the link in our bio to learn more!

Hashtag batch created: #TattedLabs #SecretAftercare #TattooCare #TattooAftercareSecrets #InkEnthusiasts #AftercareSoap #AftercareCream #AftercareSalve #InkAftercare #SecretAftercareProducts #TattooMaintenance

Social Media Carousel Graphic Design made following brand guidelines:

Sample Social Media Video Content post end product:

Social Media Content Graphic Designs made for Tatted Labs:

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