Untitled Game I

Racy Halterman

Software Engineer


This is an untitled word-based game that I created for school a while ago. It is unfinished, but it is quite an interesting piece that allows you to walk through a dangerous world. You walk from a village to a mountain, fighting randomly spawned enemies between. You can level up your character. Boasting simple and complex algorithms from an inventory system, battling, an economic system, village building and management, even a time management system that is tracked by your movement. As a word-based game, it is a play by turn style gameplay. It is designed to be upgradeable to a GUI, and to replace the time management system with one that is based on a world clock instead of by your movement. Without one, though, it hardly seemed fair. I stopped adding to it after school ended. I received 100% on the project. Can be plugged into Unity pretty quickly and upgraded.
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