Added documentation to merge authors using the gitmailmap feature
New Features
1. Embeddable ramp charts
Ramp charts can now be copied and embedded into any website using iframes (Thanks to @MarcusTXK)
Supported widgets include ramp charts of individual authors, an entire repo, or all repos from an author
2. More commit information in the report
Merge commits will now be included in the ramp charts and the Commits Panel. Within the ramp chart, merge commit ramps appear as thin ramps to differentiate from standard commits (Thanks to @ckcherry23)
Commits that only have deletes, will also be included within the ramp charts and the Commits Panel. These will appear as thin ramps in red
3. Distinguish between authors in Code Panel
You can now distinguish between which line of code was authored by whom when using the 'merge group' option within the Code Panel
To identify authors, an author legend will be shown at the top of each file. Alternatively, you can also hover over a line of code to view a tooltip with the author's name
4. CSV configuration
We now support specifying multiple repositories in one row for the author-config.csv configuration file. This will make it easier to include authors contributing to multiple repos within the report configuration (Thanks to @sikai00)
5. More reliable experience
We have made changes such that our frontend is even more stable and reliable (Thanks to @vvidday)
UI Changes
The file title will now be pinned when scrolling through the Code Panel. This will make it easier to collapse a file or look at the author list when scrolling through lengthy files
Font styles have been made more consistent throughout the report
Bug Fixes
A report can now be shared using its URL even when all file types are unselected
The wrong author name appearing for merged groups in the Commits Panel has been fixed