Along with just being a bit of a b*tch, I was also suffering from “not-like-other-girls” syndrome, or NLOG. NLOG, for me, was categorized by a rejection of typical pop culture, fashion, makeup, and anything I considered “girly.” For to be girly, as I was led to understand, was to be weak, uninteresting, “basic,” silly, and dumb. I was better than that. NLOG is an insidious disease that has many different forms, and affects all women in some way. Whether it’s a silent judgment of girls who post pictures of themselves wearing “way too much makeup,” or silently making fun of the lilted voice of the girl sitting next to you on a train, or believing that you’re better than another woman because her favorite movie is The Notebook and yours is Amélie, it can all be described as one thing: women putting down other women because we have been conditioned to believe that being a woman is BAD.