When the death surrounding famously known architect “Stefan Makenzie” occurs the night before accepting his ‘Pritzker Architecture Prize’ renowned investigator and college roommate “Misha Lancling” jumps into action to discover what happened to his old friend.
Stefan Makenzie worked his entire life moved by his love of art, history, and risk-taking. Pushing the standards of architectural design Stefan received notice he was to attend the Award ceremony on May 8th to accept the “Pritzker Architecture Prize” for his innovative design of his conception of the Museum of Art History. Throwing a small celebration a few of Stefan’s closest friends and family found their way to his family estate to
celebrate Stefan before his ceremony the next day. The next morning only hours
before Stefan’s ceremony Stefan’s wife found him dead.
That afternoon Misha Lancling, renowned private investigator & detective, was requested to join them in Berlin to uncover the truth of what happened to his old college roommate and friend, Stefan Makenzie.