Healtrust: Wearable device for post-operatory monitoring.

Miguel Blanco

3D Modeler
Project Manager
Engineering Manager


Healtrust is the prototype of a medical device that allows the monitoring of vital signs such as pulse and temperature. Vital signs that are crucial for the early detection of postoperative infections. This prototype displays the user's temperature and pulse measurements taken approximately every 15 seconds, which are displayed on the device's integrated display.
The Healtrust prototype facilitates the monitoring of vital signs in patients who have already been discharged from the hospital and are in the process of post-operative recovery. The components required for the Healtrust prototype allow for efficient, real-time collection of physiological parameters, filtering, processing and display of data. Likewise, the interface of the mobile application has a friendly and efficient design for users and even medical personnel.
The dimensions of the Healtrust allow it to be characterized as a prototype of a wearable device. Due to its size, build and power supply, the prototype can be used freely without the limitations of a non wearable device.
First prototype constructed
First prototype constructed
Our prototype measured the patient's pulse and temperature using a photpletismograph amd the LM35 sensor. With an ATmega358 microcontroller we convert these measurements and display them in an OLED screen.
Final prototype after the 5 week proyect
Final prototype after the 5 week proyect


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