Drupal: Higher Education - University Experience

Michael Michalak

I have worked on many higher education website projects. They range from:
- Book Store Drupal Commerce Project
- University News Projects
- Department Websites and Multi-sites (Custom Upstreams on Pantheon)
- Drupal 7 to 8 Migrations
- Custom Module Development
- Custom Rules Module Development
- Custom Organic Groups Module Development
- Custom learning platform with third party video, user submissions and assessment.
- Google Maps API
- Troubleshooting
- Drupal Training
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Posted Oct 5, 2023

Drupal project work related to higher education and universities.

Drupal: Health Care Experience
Drupal: Health Care Experience
Fractional CTO
Fractional CTO
Drupal 10 Development
Drupal 10 Development
Drupal 9 Development
Drupal 9 Development