


Frontend Engineer



Same old snake game with something different - exploring solidjs

Core Concept

Snakky is a web based snake game. You eat while your score increases, but I added a new concept: exception concept. In this game, random food types are generated at 3 seconds interval with the exception concept introducing random objects and sometimes food that the snake doesn't like or can't eat. Eating this random objects and food types can affect score, speed and length of snake, and can also fail tha game. Watch Out while you roam.

Food Exceptions

You can eat them but they have effects on game play.
Exception Description / Effect
sets your score to 0
score - 2
ends the game - broken teeth i guess
score + 5
increases your speed to an uncontrollable state

Game Play

Avoiding Exceptions

In order to avoid eating the exception, you have to move around for as long as possible until a new food is generated, but be careful, the new food might just be another exception.


Eat as much food as possible without hitting the grid system bounds. Stay away from exceptions. If you eat an exception when your score is equal to zero or less than two, your point will not change.

This is an exception that can be visualized as a friend to the snake. Eating it sets your score back to zero. if score prior to eating this exception is equal to zero, no effect takes place.

This exception is powerful, since eating it kills the game. Just visualize a snake eating a brick and sustaining injuries. It's definitely over for that snake.

This exception is straight-forward, the snake does not like pizza, but eats it anyways, the effect though is that you lose 2 points if score is greater than 2 else no point is added

This is not neccessarily an exception, but an exception to the exceptions, hence an exception. it's just food that the snake likes best, eating it adds five point to current score.

This exception is deadly, it increases the snake speed tremendously so as to make it impossible to control. Failing after eating a booster also forces page reload.


Add play and pause button
mobile responsiveness with onscreen buttons
snake redesign
issue with the bottom and left side of the grid system
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Posted May 22, 2023

A snake game for the web. Contribute to frank1003A/snakky development by creating an account on GitHub.






Frontend Engineer


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