I took a lead role in crafting a robust API Gateway utilizing Elixir. The primary objective was to establish secure and efficient channels, enabling third-party access to the company's internal resources. This initiative entailed the meticulous design and construction of both the API layer and service layer.
Key Achievements
Established a collaborative framework, enabling our team of engineers to seamlessly contribute to the project's success.
Implemented proactive performance tools, including rate-limiting, monitoring and logging, and detailed error handling.
Comprehensive Elixir documentation for internal documentation, along with public REST API documentation with Swagger.
Elixir: Dynamic, functional programming language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications.
Phoenix: Web framework for Elixir that provides a productive and reliable foundation for building modern web applications.
Absinthe: GraphQL toolkit for Elixir, empowering developers to build flexible and efficient APIs.
GraphQL: Query language for APIs, enabling clients to request exactly the data they need and nothing more.
Elixir documentation: Comprehensive documentation for the Elixir programming language, providing guidance and resources for developers.
Swagger: Open-source tool for designing, building, and documenting RESTful APIs.
Ecto & ExUnit: Automated testing frameworks to thoroughly test for functionality, performance, and security.