
You Ming Hou

Web Developer




A very simple vue3 quiz app that fetches quiz questions from
It will also fetch quiz questions internally if the external api fails.
The feature includes:
Selecting the type of quiz you want to take.
Ability to go back and forth between each questions.
Note: To jump to the next question, you must answer the current questions.
A timer and progress to keep track.
A review page to review your answer and re-select.
Note: If you choose to re-select your answer, you can also quickly jump back to the review page.
A result page to view your result.

Table of Contents

Setup Requirements

Ensure that you have:
Brew setup

Setup Instructions

Clone this repo via git clone
Install dependencies via pnpm i

Running dev server

You can run the dev server via pnpm start

Running unit test and linter

You can run unit test via pnpm test
For linter, you can run via pnpm lint
For autoformatting, you can run via pnpm format

Recorded Demo

Recorded Demo is split between external and internal quiz.
For external quiz (we retrieve the quiz from
For internal quiz (we retrieve the quiz questions from this repo

Technical Decision

Why vue app? It is because there is already many ReactJS app for this quiz that I want this one to stand out.
Why pnpm over npm or yarn? Performance, pnpm is both better in term of performances and efficiency. Reference
What factor contribute to the current cosmetic styling of this app? I wanted it to align with the dark-mode flavor of vue.
Why use Vuetify for these form components? Vuetify is popular for Vue and using it will make this app more streamline. (not to mention speed up implementation)
Why pinia over vuex? I am a die-hard fan of Pinia for its simplicity, which makes code more easier to work with and performant, better unit test can be written with pinia. Reference
How come there is only 1 unit test? Due to time constraint, I only added one unit test for now and that is for the critical pinia store piece which is less volatile compare to ui/ux designs which can change frequently.


Selection Page

Instruction Page

Examination Page

Review Page

Result Page

Unit Test

Like this project

Posted Feb 19, 2025

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Web Developer



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