Visualization of worldwide obesity in adults from 1975 to 2016

Roberto Sichera

Data Analyst
Web Developer
People with a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 30 are considered obese. Obesity is a serious condition as it could lead to health issues, such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, some types of cancer etc... (source: WHO) Data visualizations show some insights: - As of year 2016, the prevalence of obesity tends to be higher for female subjects than for male ones; - In the 1975-2016 period, the proportion of obese people has significantly increased in all countries, with peaks of 30 and more points when considering the absolute difference in prevalence (prevalence in 2016 - prevalence in 1975); - The highest prevalence of obesity is found in the Western Pacific area; - The lowest prevalence of obesity is found in Africa and South-East Asia. Visualizations were realized in R using libraries dplyr, ggplot2, gganimate, sf, rnaturalearth


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