Lucero Gonzales Gandolfo


Graphic Designer

Frontend Engineer

Web Developer




1. Logo Design

2. About

PokéCompany is an application that shows Pokémon data interactively. This application is available in Desktop view and Mobile view.
Users become "Pokémon researchers" and can:
📌 Visualize the unique characteristics that determine the decisions the user makes (type, weakness, height, CP, etc.)
📌 Pokémon have different types and combat weaknesses. These characteristics are important when the user chooses the most suitable Pokémon for their battle. There are times when you have to choose those who have the least number of weaknesses and know what type they are.
📌 The user can sort them by these 2 characteristics (type, weakness), and can customize the list of pokemons in the pokedex in alphabetical order (A-Z or Z-A) or by number (higher or lower)
📌 Pokémon evolve and it is important for a Pokémon master to know how many and what evolutions they have before and after.
📌 Pokémon feed on candy and a Pokémon master needs to know what type of candy a Pokémon needs to evolve.

3. User History

📝 HU01 - FEATURE (POKEMON TYPE) - As: Pokémon Trainer. I want: To know what type my pokemon is. For: Being able to know the characteristics of my pokemon (fire, water, electric, etc.)
📝 HU02 - POKEMON WEAKNESS - How to: Pokémon Trainer. I want to: Know my Pokémon's weaknesses. To: be able to define a more effective fighting strategy (which pokemon should I choose to fight)
📝 HU03 - CHARACTERISTICS (WEIGHT AND SIZE OF THE POKEMON) - As: Pokémon Trainer. I want to view the weight and size of my pokemon. To: Obtain more details about your build.
📝 HU04 - EVOLUTIONS OF EACH POKEMON - As: Pokémon Trainer. I want to visualize the past and future evolutions of my pokemon. To: know what Pokémon I have in the future.
📝 HU05 - ORDERING OF 2 CHARACTERISTICS. Like: Pokémon Trainer. I want to: Filter the Pokémon that have the least amount of characteristics (weaknesses) and type. To: Choose the best pokemon for my battles.
📝 HU06 - Mobile View. Like: Pokémon Trainer. I want to view the application on my phone. To have access at any time without my computer

3. Stack



Show the data in an interface: it can be a card, a table, a list, etc.
Allow the user to interact to obtain the information they need.
Be responsive, that is, it must be viewed without problems from different screen sizes: mobile phones, tablets and desktops.

5. Deploy Link

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Posted Jun 17, 2024

PokéCompany 👾 is a Dinamic Web that shows the data of the pokémons in an interactive way . This application is available in Desktop view 💻 and Mobile view 📱…








Graphic Designer

Frontend Engineer

Web Developer




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