13 likes, 0 comments - rajya_deevi on May 16, 2022: “I’ve forgotten what it felt like to be myself. A girl who woke up grateful every morning for the life she was given. A girl who brushed her teeth, excited about the to-do list she would work on. A girl who smiled and seamlessly had conversation with strangers. I couldn’t be myself. Yet, life is always what we choose. Sharing little ways that helped me get back myself after being through tough days. Hope it helps! P.S: I am not a professional to speak about the ways to cope up. Everyone has their own way of coping with tough times. This is all that worked for me. what are your ways of coping with pain or any tough time? #RajyaWrites #contentwriter #storyforyou #pain #healingyourself #selfhelper #selfhelp
#mentalhealth #mentalfitness #life #overcomechallenges #overcome #contentwritersindia #contentwriter #contentwriting”.