Magnesium: Understanding Its Role, Sources, and the Truth Behin…

Miracle Essien

Content Writer
SEO Writer
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Hi friends! Today, I want to talk about Magnesium. My feed has been over-flooded with magnesium supplements. I’ve been into sports my whole life, and my coaches never insisted on taking as many super pills as some adverts do. So, I decided to do some detective work.

What is Magnesium?

Through my studies, I have learned that magnesium is a mineral found in human bodies, animals, plants, earth’s crust, food, and in different supplements. It can be found in the forms of magnesium oxide, magnesium citrate, magnesium malate, magnesium chloride, and many more.

Why is it important?

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Magnesium plays two important roles in our bodies. Firstly, it forms chelates with crucial substances inside our cells, such as ATP. Secondly, it competes with calcium for binding sites on proteins and membranes. With around 300 enzymes activated by magnesium, it is a vital cofactor for various reactions in our body, including those involved…
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