Blog - Top 13 Benefits of IT Certification

Stacie Jansen van Vuren


Content Writer

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SEO Writer

Anyone that is serious about starting a career in the IT field will ponder the benefits of IT certification and whether or not it is worth their time and money in the long run. Many have doubts as to whether it will steer them towards the career path that they are aiming for and whether the certification will be taken seriously in the workplace.
Below we will outline the top 13 benefits of IT certification to lend some clarity and understanding of why it so important to gain that qualification.

1. Enhance your CV

The most obvious reason to gain a certification is that it enhances your CV and, therefore, greatly increases your chances of gaining a career in IT. Due to the sheer volume of CVs sent to potential employers when a job opening occurs, there is a very strict process of elimination where candidate CVs are concerned. Many companies will only consider those with certifications on theirs CVs and will completely ignore those without.

2. Hit the Ground Running

Following on the first of the benefits of IT Certification, is the fact that a certified employee that joins a company will spend a minimal amount of time having to be trained, as they have already learned the skills necessary to slot into their new position. Any well-run business will look for ways to keep costs down and to be as efficient as possible. Being certified will not only save the company time, but also reduce the cost of training a newly appointed employee.

3. Stay Employed

No one enjoys moving from one job to another within a short time period, as stability in the workplace shows commitment and loyalty to an organisation. Having a certification shows that you have sound knowledge in your chosen field and your ability to use that knowledge in a practical environment will strengthen your position within the company, reinforcing the benefits of IT certification.

4. Climb the Ladder

The opportunity to move up in the company that you are working for is one of the most important benefits of IT certification. The knowledge that you have gained during your studies can be paramount when there is an opportunity for promotion. Seeing as companies almost always look to recruit from within the organisation before looking at outside candidates, it is a great way to get your foot in the door towards career advancement.

5. Stay Current

Technology and applicable skills are always evolving in the IT environment. Skills that were up to date a year ago may not necessarily be as relevant today, given that the pace of change and relevance of skills move parallel to the change in technology. Ensuring that you have a certification behind your name shows that you have learned the latest skills and have the ability to work with the technology that is relevant today. Falling behind and not having the appropriate and relevant knowledge could prove detrimental when applying for a job, or when employed in a company that needs to stay abreast with the change in trends concerning technology.

6. Earn More

The following point clearly illustrates the benefits of IT certification. When entering a new role as a certified professional, your potential earnings are greatly affected, as an employer will be far more likely to pay good money towards an individual that has studied the work at hand, rather than someone that still needs to be shown the ropes. It comes down to being paid what you are worth to the company and a certification will certainly show that you have plenty to offer.

7. Strong Skills

Deciding to study towards a career in IT shows that you have a solid interest in the field, but that you still have weaknesses in certain areas. Gaining a certification will confirm that you have ironed out these weak points and have a firm knowledge of the subject matter. Companies will see it as a weakness rather than a strength if you have a strong perception of only a certain area of your field. Flexibility and an overall understanding of the job at hand are key.

8. Prove Yourself

It can be quite daunting to start at a new company while knowing that their current employees are already settled in their jobs and have proven themselves to the employer. Raising your self-esteem is another of the benefits of IT certification. It could be detrimental to enter a workplace whilst unsure of yourself and your skills and, hence, a certification will validate to yourself that you will be able to hold your own when it is expected of you and will help show that you are self-assured.

9. Self-development

Another trait that employers look for in potential candidates, is that they are willing to invest time and money in their own personal development. Having a certification on your CV will prove that you are not satisfied with being stagnant and that you have a desire to learn and develop as a professional. This will not only benefit you when looking to start your IT career, but will reveal that you are willing to branch your knowledge out into other areas. An employee that is willing to further themselves will be more likely to be looked at when a promotion is available.

10. Stay Committed

If you were not serious about working in IT, the benefits of IT certification would be of no importance to you. Thus, the fact that you have earned your qualification shows that you have committed to the IT field and that you are not likely to suddenly consider a change in careers. This will create peace of mind in your employer’s trust that you will be working for their organisation for an extended period of time, creating stability within the company.

11. Access to Resources

Once you have finished your studies and have managed to successfully receive your certification, you will often have access to unique resources, such as those provided after gaining a Cisco certification or after completing your studies concerning companies like Microsoft. This information is usually only available to those that have completed their studies and exams, and could prove invaluable when entering the workplace.

12. Networking

Networking is a one of the more revered benefits of IT certification. The ability to interact with fellow professionals gives you a chance to gain the perspectives of others that are working in your field. This can open your mind to new ideas, freshen your memory of areas that you do not work in often and can even be helpful when faced with a tricky problem and need to ask advice from someone that may have a higher level of knowledge.

13. A Reputable Organisation

Last, but not least, another of the benefits of IT certification, is that it boosts the reputation of the company that you are employed by. A potential customer will be far more impressed by an organisation that has certified professionals working for them, as it illustrates competency and dedication. It can be immensely frustrating for a client when a product malfunctions or is incorrectly maintained and the work needs to be repeated. If this is the case, they will rather start looking for alternatives and your company could lose business very quickly.
Garnering a good reputation and the respect of your co-workers is yet another of the many benefits of IT certification. Working on the same level as your fellow employees creates an atmosphere of camaraderie and trust in one another. This stems from quality training from a reputable course provider such as ITonlinelearning.
The benefits of IT certification are many and we have outlined but a few here. ITonlinelearning offers courses from companies such as Microsoft and Cisco and delivers the training on offer in an easy-to-understand format that you can take advantage of from the comfort of your own home.
Once you decide to follow a path in the IT environment and start your studies, you will be on your way towards reaping the benefits of IT certification.
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IT blog written during my time as an in-house writer for ITonlinelearning, a UK-based online training/e-learning provider.






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Stacie Jansen van Vuren

Professional writing, editing, & design services

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