Podcast Web Design

Sofia Lynn


Web Designer

Content Creator


Project: Big Queen Energy Podcast - Website Design
Overview 👩‍💻
Big Queen Energy is a podcast created by a mindset coach, Nicole Rose Stillings. The aim of this project was to design a captivating landing page for the podcast, showcasing its content and providing easy access to recent episodes. As part of my role, I created the website using the platform Showit and utilized Canva to create visuals when necessary. Additionally, I wrote engaging copy for the website.
Goals/Requirements 🎯
Design an eye-catching landing page for the Big Queen Energy podcast
Showcase the podcast's content and episodes
Ensure user-friendly navigation for easy accessibility
Process 🧙🏼
I utilized the Showit platform to build the website for the Big Queen Energy podcast. Working closely with Nicole, I crafted a visually appealing design that aligns with the podcast's branding. I also wrote engaging copy that highlights the unique aspects of the podcast and encourages visitors to explore further. In addition, I used Canva and Showit to create visuals whenever needed, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the website.
Results + Takeaways ✨💁‍♀️
The final outcome is a highly successful landing page for the Big Queen Energy podcast. The website effectively showcases the podcast's content and provides easy access to recent episodes. To explore the full website, visit www.nicolerosestillings.com/podcast.
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Posted Mar 1, 2023

Successfully designed a website for the Big Queen Energy Podcast, hosted by mindset coach and entrepreneur Nicole Rosé.






Web Designer

Content Creator


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