I will design a very unique logo which will be timeless

Rakhi Dwivedi


Graphic Designer

Logo Designer



Minimal pack$10

this pack includes 2 revisions, 1 concept, logo transparency and printable file
3-day delivery2 Revisions

What's Included

Rakhi D
design a very unique logo which will be timeless

About this gig

My gig describes my work for which I am professional about this is very useful in showcasing my talent as well as my work. You will see very unique logos that will help you brands, companies, businesses to grow very fast. I promise you to work with all my dedication and hard work and you will get your work on time as well because trust is hard to find and all you will get is here only.
Logo style
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Delivery style preference
Please inform the freelancer of any preferences or concerns regarding the use of AI tools in the completion and/or delivery of your order.

Get to know Rakhi D

Rakhi D
Member sinceJul 2023
Avg. response time1 hour
A passionate and creative logo maker, my work speaks louder with than my words its not my attitude but my experience that says all this.

Compare packages

BasicMinimal pack
StandardHeavy pack
PremiumUnique packthis pack includes 2 revisions, 1 concept, logo transparency and printable filethis pack includes 3 revisions, 2 number of concepts, vector file, printable design.this pack includes 1 day delivery, 4 revisions, 3 number of concepts, logo transparency, vector fileLogo transparencyVector filePrintable file3D mockupSource fileStationery designsSocial media kitNumber of concepts included123Revisions234Delivery Time3 days1 day
2 days1 day
2 days1 day


customise logo available
yes sure
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Posted Jun 29, 2024

Fiverr freelancer will provide Logo Design services and design a very unique logo which will be timeless including Number of concepts included within 3 days






Graphic Designer

Logo Designer


Rakhi Dwivedi

logo design, book cover designer, thumbnail designer

Logo design
Logo design
I will design covers for journals and books with resizing
I will design covers for journals and books with resizing