Travo Channel & Travo AI (acq by Spyne AI)

Yash Dixit

Backend Engineer
Flutter Developer

✨ Introduced Flutter and Took First Mobile Application From Scratch to Deployment

Took charge of building an app that would notify photographers about the gigs they were getting.
Built it from scratch, and deployed it on the play store.

✨ Took charge of Backend as well & Developed Second Application of Travographer

This was an inter-company collaboration (with SpyneAI which later acquired it) to build an app called TravoAI - it was an app that used to remove backgrounds of images. Similar apps include:
I created the backend - which included auth, uploading and retrieving the pictures from third party.
Also created the app ‘Travo AI’ - and deployed it on the Google Play Store.

Travographer later got acquired by Spyne AI.

Partner With Yash
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