Article Writing

Haley Tyree

Content Writer
Google Docs

About this project:

This project required moderate research with basic information provided by the client, and was completed in 2 days. The final article was approximately 1000 words and included sources used in research.

A sample of the project:

What Is 5G?
The Different Types of 5G Explained
5G is short for fifth-generation- the incarnation of technology following 4G. 5G networks function similarly to 4G, connecting service areas to wireless devices through antenna and radio waves. However, although the same operational principle is used, 5G is revolutionizing technology by boasting faster speeds, wider coverage, and higher bandwidth. These qualities mean that 5G networks are capable of providing service to more devices in an area, without sacrificing speed. For comparison, on the fastest 4G network, it can take over 5 minutes to download a large file such as a movie, while the fastest 5G network can download the same file in just over 30 seconds. This also means you won’t experience service slowdown in crowded spaces.
Different Types of 5G
One way that 5G differs from previous networks is that it employs additional higher-frequency radio waves to increase service speed and quality. Frequencies prior to 5G used only low and medium frequencies, and 5G has added a third, “mmWave high-band” frequency.
Using these three frequencies, 5G networks are able to provide significantly faster and more reliable connections for all 5G-capable devices. In the words of USTelecom CEO Jonathan Spalter, “5G will not only enable transformative new services — the Internet of Things, connected cars, telehealth, and precision agriculture — it will create economic productivity and jobs.


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