Peer Support For Your Healthcare Team

Susan Leys

Content Writer
Content Creator

Retain Your Experienced Healthcare Team

Peer Support For Your Healthcare Team is a video that offers insights and a 5-step strategy for healthcare professionals to facilitate an end-of-shift huddle to reduce stress and burnout in acute care units. A healthcare career can be immensely rewarding, but it can also be extremely stressful. Healthcare professionals are often under great pressure from assisting acute care patients to dealing with heavy caseloads and staff shortages. We developed this program to offer one strategy to help healthcare teams reduce the stress they experienced daily due to the covid19 pandemic. However, we know this same strategy also works during high volume, high acuity periods.

We offer career and life coaching services to help you navigate your career, relationships, and time. We also work with healthcare organizations nationwide to help you retain your experienced healthcare team.

Our coaching can help healthcare professionals reduce stress, avoid burnout, and balance their work and personal lives.


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