Script Writing for a Short Film

Yahire Reales


Creative Writer


Script Writer

Narrator~ “Its 2022 and here we have a young lady who always wanted to keep things clean…”
the cleaning lady ~ *sets down a centerpiece on the table*
“At last a clean house…”
Narrator~ “but little did she know it wouldn’t stay clean for long.”
College students ~ *enter and start decorating for a party with loud music*
student 2 ~ *puts the decoration up backwards*
student 1~ “hey, fix that, it’s up backwards”
Student 2~ “Oh yea”
*popular wannabe student 3 enters*
Student 3 ~ “So what are you throwing this party for?”
Student 1~ “Cause why not we’re in college”
Narrator~ “[Student 3] had gotten up to use the bathroom.”
student 4 ~ “Did anyone buy snacks for this? I’m kinda hungry”
*everyone looks at student 2*
student 1~ “[Student 2] did you buy the snack like I told you too”
student 2~ “Oh yea, So you see…What had happened was…”
Everyone~ *sigh in frustration*
student 2~ “It’s okay, it’s okay though, I’ll just go out and buy some”
Narrator ~ “As he gets up and grabs his keys, something unexpected happens.”
Student 2~ “But let me get some water before I go”
Narrator~ little does he know, the water is no longer safe to drink,
The girls~ *start screaming*
Janitor 1 (replacement for deceased cleaning lady)~ “Oh no, Not this again!
*Drops everything and runs for his life*
Cleaning lady~ “One down, four more to go”
Narrator~ “[Student 2] was lying on the floor foaming at the mouth”
Student 4~ Oh my God is he alive!?
Student 1~ *checks his pulse… sighs* No Pulse.
Narrator~ “Little did they know that the cleaning lady Had put bleach in the water supply.”
Janitor 2~”Alright I’ve already gotten rid of all the cleaning supplies” “you guys need to stay away from anything sharp and do not drink anything open or that water!”
student 5~ “Why What just happened?!”
Narrator~ “suddenly [Janitor 1] comes running back”
Janitor 1 ~”you guys I just called 911 they’re on the way here” *out of breath*
Student 5 ~ “Oh I was just about to do that”
Janitor 2 ~ “NO! we have been in this situation and that only made things worse REMEMBER!”
Student 3 ~ “Wait… what do you mean you’ve been in this situation before?”
Janitor 1 ~ “but maybe they can bring him back though”
Janitor 2~ “We know who did this.. There is no coming back from that”
Student 1~ “Uh guys what do you mean you know who did this?”
Student 4~ “was [Student 2] murdered?”
Narrator ~ “Suddenly they hear knocking at the door… it’s the ambulance“
paramedic~ “move paramedic here… what happened here?”
Janitor 1 ~ “She's Back again man… killing people for making mess”
Janitor 2 ~ “She's not gonna believe you just like last time”
Paramedic ~ “Who's back again”
Janitor 1~ *Whispers* “The Cleaning Lady”
Cleaning lady ~ *Whispers erriely* “You all are next” *laughs*
Student 1~ “Um did you all hear that”
Student 5 ~ “I did”
student 4 ~ “So did I”
student 3~ “Me too”
Paramedic ~ “I didn’t hear anything… Anyway I’m gonna take him to the autopsy, we will send you the report in your gmail.”
Narrator~ “once the paramedic took [student 2] to the autopsy the janitors had left and the girls decided to find whoever had killed [student 2].”
student 1~ “[student 3], where did you go after asking why we had this party, because [student 4] and [student 5] were right here?”
student 3~ “I went to the bathroom I promise I didn’t-"
student 5~ “Orrrr”
student 4~ “you went to go poison in the water”
student 3~ “Oh my god you guys, I can’t anymore I’m leaving
Narrator~ “Jackie goes up the stairs and when she reaches the top she..,”
*[student 3] slips*
Narrator~ “she hits her head on the edge of the stairs and dies, but the other girls don’t hear her fall over their conversation”
Cleaning lady~ “Finally another down, now to clean this up”
Student 1~ “She always says shes gonna leave and then we wake up in the morning and she's still here”
Student 5~ “yeah I know right”
Student 4~ Well I’m still hungry, I’m gonna go to Dunkin' do you guys want anything?”
student 5~ “Ooh can I get a iced coffee with almond milk and mini bagels”
Student 1~ “I'm not hungry... Thanks Though”
Student 4~ “Yeah sure I’ll be right back”
Narrator~ “[Student 4] leaves to get food and Maddi goes to the bathroom to fix her hair, Jae follows”
*~In the bathroom~*
Student 1~ “I can’t believe that Jay is dead”
student 5~ “I know… What was in the water that killed him?”
*[student 1] phone dings*
student 1~ “Oh it’s the autopsy report… Bleach”
student 5~ “That's what killed him”
Narrator~ “Right there and then [student 5] saw a silhouette of The Cleaning Lady and shrieked”
Student 5~ “Oh my God did you see that”
student 1~ “What?”
student 5~ “I think I just saw The Cleaning Lady That the janitor was talking about”
Narrator~ “And then the cleaning lady striked again, because [student 5] head was bleeding out from being bashed into the mirror”
*[student 1] screams*
Narrator~ “And in that very moment [Student 4] had just come back from buying Dunkin' ”
Student 1~ *crying if possible* “[student 4], [student 5] HEAD GOT BASHED INTO THE MIRROR CALL 911”
student 4~ “WHAT!”
student 1~ “ call 911!!”
student 4 ~ “hold on.. no!”
Student 1~ “what?!... Call them right now!”
student 4 ~ “No! Remember what the janitor said”
student 1~”I don’t care what the janitor said [student 5] HEAD IS BLEEDING OUT!”
student 4 ~ “Alright chill, I’m gonna call the janitors..*Phone rings*...
Janitor 2~ “Hello” *over the phone*
Student 1~ “Hey help! [student 5] head just got bashed into the mirror”
Janitor 1 ~ “Oh man another one”
Janitor 2~” Alright we are on are way”
*hangs up*
student 1~ “Oh man, normal people call 911 in this situation.. But no, us, we call our local custodians!”
student 4 ~”I’m sorry [student 1]but I'm not gonna risk the situation from getting worse… just sit and have your drink.”
Narrator ~ “[student 4] walks out to look at [student 5]”
student 4~ “Damn it!…”
Narrator ~ “they hear knocking on the door, Jae opens the door and it’s ryan and nilton”
Student 1 ~ “That was quick”
janitor 2~ “we weren’t far”
Student 4~”she’s in the bathroom”
Narrator ~ “They all walk to the bathroom and the janitors started cleaning”
Student 1~ “why couldn’t we just call 911”
Janitor 2~ “because if you did they would have another group of people to add to the amount that died here and called 911”
janitor 1~ “and so the situation would have escalated because… *whispers* The cleaning lady doesn't like messy people in her territory.
Janitor 2~ “and so she would have killed them all”
Student 4~ “Why is she killing in the first place, does she hate her job that much?… because at that point she should’ve quit… not kill”
Janitor 2~ “Well the stories say that this building used to be a mansion that she cleaned, but the owner was a party animal.
Janitor 1~ “he hosted parties like everyday and she had to clean the messes fast or she was fired”
Janitor 2~ “at some point she got sick of and killed the people who caused the most mess”
Student 1~ “how did she die?”
*[Janitor 2] and [Janitor 1] look at each other*
Janitor 1~ “that's a story for another day”
Janitor 2~ “right now [Janitor 1] and I need to deal with the body”
Student 1~ “alright well after everything that just happened, I need to schedule a therapist and go to bed”
Student 4~ “me too.. The therapist part is not the going to bed part I can't sleep with everything that just happened”
Narrator ~ “[Student 1] goes up the stairs and sees a blood splatter on the wall”
student 1~ “Oh my god I'm sick of this! [student 4] come here look at this!
*[student 4] goes to see*
Student 5~ Wait.. who could have died here no one went up here…”
student 1~ “except”
Narrator~ “they go to check on Jackie and realize she isn’t there and all her stuff was still there”
Student 4~ “she didn’t leave”
Student 1~ “she never got the chance to”
student 4~ “alright I can’t be here no more I'm booking a hotel and we’re gonna clean this up and leave”
Narrator~ “they cleaned up the blood splatter and packed their things and just as they were going to walk out the door…”
cleaning lady~ “Where do you think you're going”
*door slams shut*
student 4~ “Oh hell no, not today-”
Narrator ~ “ [student 4] couldn’t finish her sentence before the cleaning lady slit her throat with her nasty nails … that's probably gonna get infected.”
*[student 1] screams*
Narrator~ “[student 1] tries to run and open the door but it’s like someone was on the other side holding it closed”
*[Student 1] struggles*
Narrator ~ “and suddenly she sees the cleaning lady holding a rope as she puts it around her neck”
*[student 1] gets strangled plays dead*
cleaning lady~ “now to clean this up”
Narrator~ “ so the cleaning lady wins again or so she thinks”
Cleaning lady ~ “finally a clean house… I should probably curse those janitors though, these kids almost got away”
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Posted Jun 20, 2023

Yahire wrote an engaging script for a short film based on the client's concept. The final product was well-received by audiences and effectively communicated.






Creative Writer


Script Writer

Yahire Reales

Polished & Error-free Content Writer

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