AI Chatbot for Lead Generation

Diego Simoncini

Automation Engineer
AI Chatbot Developer
AI Developer

Unbelievable, I get 50+ leads a day just from organic traffic on my small website

Able to do lead generation (take user name, email and also his needs)
Able to understand deeply and summarize USER_NEEDS and make him feel convinced that your service is the best for him (bot will mention also USER_NEEDS in reply to make him feel he's been listened!!)
Able to send official email (in user language) to user explaining again that your service is the best solution for his business and finish with the email with "you will be contacted soon by us"
Meantime able to send email to your company with user name, email, languageand USER_NEEDS so that you can contact again with second final email to ensure everything is ok
This is what an advanced, extremely efficient AI chatbot does! Not just cold replies!! And this is the only way to boost sales and lead generation: AI chatbots are new tools that will make your business go to next level.
Imagine how many peoplewill be contacted AUTOMATICALLY and be reassured that your service is the best for their business (trust me, USER_NEEDS-based chat reply and doubleemail is something no other business has, and user feels like "wow this companyis damn serious!").
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