Phone Number Formatting

Lauren Vitale


Product Manager

UX Researcher

Product Analyst



The Problem

Post order teams surfaced issues they were having due to incorrect phone numbers on orders:
1) returns couldn't be made
2) when services like Handy were added the partner couldn't fulfill the request or ingest the data
3) UPS/Fedex could only ingest certain data for delivery info.

The Scale

10% of orders were placed with an invalid phone number

The Goal

Ensure that customers had consistent experiences through the post order period of the item and that any services they paid for were delivered as promised

The Action

1) Analysis: I looked into the phone numbers on placed orders and discovered a 2 themes that were causing this issue: >10 characters, non-numeric characters. 80% of phone numbers with >10 characters were due to customers adding a 1 in front, 10% were formatting related.
2) Risks/Tradeoffs: Looked into the impact on B2B vs B2C (extensions necessary?), decided to only focus on north america first, (figured out that app was already doing it so the risk was low)
3) Identified fix: max of 10 characters, only numeric, with minimal formatting to guide customers
4) Worked with eng and design to roll out

The Results

Reduced invalid phone number orders by 36% from 10% to 6% (this is due to customers using saved address information)
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Posted May 9, 2024

Created an improved phone number entry in checkout process to ensure customer delivery experience was great.






Product Manager

UX Researcher

Product Analyst



Lauren Vitale

Optimizing UX for E-commerce Success 🛒

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Address Validation in Checkout
Address Validation in Checkout