Rosa De Los Vientos

Bo Bazen


UX Designer


Adobe XD


Microsoft Word


Overview 🔎

I started to research. It was essential on finding out what Mexico is known for, characterizes and what tequilas are already out there.
We also looked for what one big names Mexico has, from current celebrities to folk heroes and history.
I also looked at the Mexican lifestyle, how people in Mexico are what characterizes them, what do they like and what moves them.
After putting all that together came the ideas and possible names for the tequila.
Potential Names:
Ezechiël Cal
Escalon superior
Paquito (de Mexico)
Santo Grial
El Gringo
Madera Maciza
Vía Tequila
La Leti
Rosa de los Vientos
Idea and concept:

Ezechiël Cal: "He shall be strengthened by God" - which characterizes the culture, principles and belief within the Mexican culture.
Escalon superíor - A higher level, of life, love etc. One step further, being superior.
 Paquito - Male given name of Fransisco, a nick name. Paquito could be the image of "The Tequila drinking man."
Santo Grial - Holy Grail,  eagerly pursued or sought after. Used by Christ at the Last Supper.
El Gringo -  A foreigner, noncitizen, alien, outlander - a drink made to feel closer to Mexico.
Madera Maciza - carved out of different wood, something special
Vía - The way - and covers the idea of the tequila concept. Vía would do the same only different. It could be going away, the only way, on your way - that could indicate the state you are in after drinking the tequila. It could stand for a code that only in this specefic way should be lived.
 Cabrón - the greatest of all time, also: bastard, badass, or dude, really fucking good at something. Little love affair which a glass of tequila should be.
La Leti - Someone who is always beaming with joy, fiery. Where La Leti is, the sun rises and also does not set again until La Leti decides it is done.
Rosa de los Vientos -  A compass rose, the circular drawing showing directions on a plan or map. It is the classic way to orient with respect to the cardinal points. Symbolically, the Compass Rose represents direction, awakening and discovery. The 4 main “winds” of the rose represent infinite possibility, the present, the past and the future.

Problem & Solution 🤝

At the highest level, what problem did you solve, and who did you solve it for?
Goals/Requirements: Add some goals or requirements that helped get this project to the finish line. • Goal or Requirement 1 • Goal or Requirement 2 • Goal or Requirement 3

Process 🛣

Below you can follow the entire process through an infographic.
After the concept stood and I, as the designer, knew what path I was going to take, the design process could begin.
If I am very honest, the actual designing is not really my specialty as that is not where my strengths lie but through the whole process I created a kind of desire to not only do it myself but also experiment with my own skillset, what can I do within the "design" of this project and what will I outsource. Because there was a blank canvas for me to work on and it was only clear to launch a groundbreaking new brand for tequila, I took that challenge with both hands and began the initial set up, also in design.
After the selection of fonts, colors, experience and feeling, it became clear what the possible logo was going to look like and it was up to me to also work this out to come up with a beautiful whole.
This was my way of determining the right font, colors, look and feel.
This was my way of determining the right font, colors, look and feel.

Results 🎁

The result was a great success for me because of minimal experience but received all the confidence to create this into the concept we all hoped for.
This brand of tequila, is a balance between man and woman, bold and subtle, exuberant and minimalist. A path we are all looking for and have the freedom to take. The path is ours and that is what characterizes Rosa De Los Vientos. It is a reflection of life in the perfect drink for any occasion. You can make it as simple, crazy, beautiful, delicious or heavy. It's your steps, choices and paths. Rosa De Los Vientos only gives the possibilities and hopefully the courage to walk it and to face what ever it is. Wrap up your project by highlighting your successes. If you’re able, highlight key metrics that were improved with the help of your project.

The compass rose are the directions and represented by sun beams.

What is the way? Isn't it the journey? If not the story we share around the table with the people we love.

A compass leads the way.

It brings you home

A compass has the ability to let you wander

& experience the path you are on.

Taste the infinte possibilites of the present, the past and the future. You are a work of art - find your treasure in the journey with Rosa de los Vientos.

Roles Designer, Researcher, Writer, Storyteller

Takeaways 📣

My biggest take away is that as a designer, I shouldn't duck away from the actual designing and designing of the brand. It certainly wasn't easy but it provides enough room for me to delve further into design principles and rules to grow in the profession. Because during the process I noticed how much fun it actually is to complete the whole picture and experiment with what works and what doesn't.
But before you can start with that, everything falls and stands on a clear briefing and good research. In my research I have come across SO MUCH, I am completely up to date on the latest things within the tequila market and it is truly incredible how many brands are already out there and how well they are positioning the market. That was an exciting challenge for me to do the same. Sometimes I would sit with concepts that hit, resonated, could be good and strong for a brand until I found out that one or the other then again it wasn't going to go due to trademark or something else. Furthermore, it was an honor to create a story and bring out the 'real' Mexican in us, one that everyone can identify with.
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Posted Nov 11, 2022

From nothing, make something. And then coming up with nothing less than a new tequila brand from scratch. Muy bueno! I got the challenge do this it all.






UX Designer


Adobe XD


Microsoft Word


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