Uniswap/PancakeSwap (Ethereum Blockchain) Liquidity Sniper Bot

Austin John Salvador

Blockchain Developer

This is a bot for the Ethereum blockchain that allows to buy a token during launch as soon as liquidity is detected or if swapping is enabled. The bot is equipped with auto-slippage, automated gas values, and an auto-sell function at your desired % target profit or stop loss.

A screenshot of the bot
A screenshot of the bot
The bot is also equipped with a honeypot checker which adds protections your sniping experience in case you accidentally sniped a honeypot or scam token. This feature however adds a split second delay on the process, but it can be disabled if you are sure that your target is safe.
Lastly, the bot has a "Wait for Function". In case the target token has an anti-bot feature that allows them to disable trading even though liquidity already exists, the feature allows you to automatically buy the token after trading is enabled.
Functions of the target token are automatically listed in the dropbox. This will not be visible if the target token has their smart contract unpublished.
Functions of the target token are automatically listed in the dropbox. This will not be visible if the target token has their smart contract unpublished.
Networks and DEX currently available for the bot is Pancakeswap v2, and Uniswap v2. I can develop this bot for different networks as well.
It is recommended for you to get a node that the bot can use for a much faster sniping. I do not provide my own node, but you can get one from a website like QuickNode.
Click here for their website. The free node option on their website will work good enough for this bot.
I do have a working version for Uniswap v3 pools, but it is still incomplete. The auto-sell function does not work on that version.
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