FACE Stockholm – E-commerce & Branding

Petra Smolcic

Brand Designer
UX Designer
UI Designer

Project Overview

Founded in Sweden in 1982, FACE Stockholm is a heritage brand independently owned and operated by mother-daughter duo Gun Nowak and Martina Arfwidson. They were in a need of a visual designer who can bring the art into their visuals, create stability and improve conversion for their website.

My Contributions

I started as a visual designer for FACE Stockholm offering services of visual creations like banner images and social media visuals. As I am more of a UX/UI designer, I wanted to offer my services as a UX/UI designer to help rebuild the website they had. Thinking and consulting with a project manager, I've estimated the redesign of the product as a long-term project and something we do systematically. After two years, I am proud to say we launched a whole new website and we couldn't be more happy about it.

Use blog pages as sales and campaign pages

I know this is not the best practice, but we had to work with what we had. With our developmentwe could not link on certain p get aperson to  cost us too much to build and get them to buy from there.  For various campaigns, we did that landing pages with blog pages that emphasise our story, but also our product and increased sales and conversion for 15%.

Discovery phase and redesign

After a year of maintaining and figuring out all of the business things, she managed to move some money around and allow us a budget to create a better and more sustainable website which was an investment in better user experience.  What I offered to do, was a kickoff interview with the founder and other stakeholders, and and we talked about all of the problems,  the vision, what's the goal and what should be the branding strategy, and who are we talking to our target audience gathering all of that feedback gathering all of their insights.I created a document that allowed my client to go and find an agency or someone who can create a web shop on Shopify, who is specialised for that with all of the feature requirements and overall vision off the web shop. Coming with a clear brief and requirement, allowed FACE to find a good agency in a matter of two weeks.

Being a UX/UI designer is not always building all from scratch but going strategically into the product and helping clients invest in the important parts of the user experience. We've teamed up with marketing agency that helped us put the foundation of our new website.‍Now, our goal is to get traffic on our website and gradually improve things we see need improvement gathering feedback from customers, doing UX analysis and so on. Sound like every desginers dream, right? 

Campaigns over the years

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