Alberta Books for Schools

Patricia Veldstra


Project Manager

Graphic Designer

Print Designer

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop

2022-23 catalogue cover.
2022-23 catalogue cover.
In 2022, the Book Publishers Association of Alberta launched a new initiative - Alberta Books for Schools. This initiative brought together 82 individually evaluated titles from Alberta publishers, which had been mapped to specific Alberta curriculum.
For this initiative, I was responsible for designing the print catalogue, developing associated advertisements and graphics, and assisting with the design and development of the digital database. 
Sample interior page from the 2022-23 catalogue.
Sample interior page from the 2022-23 catalogue.
Database search landing page.
Database search landing page.
In preparation for the launch, we ran print advertisements in the Alberta Teachers' Association Magazine, including the following:
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Posted Jan 11, 2023

Alberta Books for Schools is an annually updated print catalogue and digital database, showcasing Alberta-published books appropriate for the K-12 curriculum.






Project Manager

Graphic Designer

Print Designer

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop

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