The bartender stands still with slight movements to simulate liveliness.
Reaction to taps: the bartender slightly sways when pushed and then returns to the original position.
The animation should be smooth and realistic, showing small movements of the body and limbs.
Pouring Drink (State 2):
The bartender picks up a glass or smartphone and makes a pouring motion.
Shaking Drink (State 3):
The bartender holds a glass or smartphone and shakes it.
Mixing Drink (State 4):
The bartender mixes a drink in a glass or smartphone.
All states should be easily recognizable and distinguishable.
Transitions between states should be smooth and realistic.
The animations for pouring, shaking, and mixing should be created in two versions: one with a glass and one with a smartphone.
Switching Between States:
Transitioning between states 2 (pouring), 3 (shaking), and 4 (mixing) can occur through state 1 (static state) or directly, at the illustrator's discretion.