Blockchain Developer
npm i
to install dependencies.npm i
to install dependencies.npx truffle migrate
explicitly using the command npm install -g truffle
. You might need to initialize it also if the error occurs in the following steps using command truffle init
.npm run typeorm migration:run
and Add Project using the file in backend\truffle-config.js
sudo mysql
.create user bbvs@localhost identified with mysql_native_password by 'Password00$$';
. Make sure the Password is the same as the one in backend/ormconfig.json
.grant all privileges on *.* to bbvs@localhost;
select user from mysql.user
to confirm.create database bbvs;
.use bbvs;
.show databases;
to confirm..env
and add the following code: ` ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=976a66a5bd23b2050019f380c4decbbefdf8ff91cf502c68a3fe1ced91d7448cc54ce6c847657d53294e40889cef5bd996ec5b0fefc1f56270e06990657eeb6enpm start
.npm start
Posted Aug 6, 2024
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Blockchain Developer