[Music Production] Where to go now

Andrea Giannino

Music Producer
Sound Designer
Audio Engineer
Cubase 10.5
Native Instruments
You may listen to the track here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8TgSMz_OeA
🎹 Electronic Music Production
🎼 Soundtrack / Wasteland / Sci-Fi
⏲️ 4 minutes
👾 Where to go now?
📖 This track's born out of a tribute to a sci-fi videogame called Kenshi. This game tells a story about a fantasy world inhabited by Humans, Shek (ogre-like and fight-bound race), Hivers (stick-like humanoids who are meant to collaborate under a collective mind), Skeletons (Robots. For real, they're robots but they're called skeletons) and other fantastic (and very dangerous) creatures that haunt a planet (which is actually a moon) full of wastelands and few fertile terrains, where the only quest You have to succeed.. ..is to survive!
⚙️ In order to create a musical piece, out of a tribute to this game, I tried to convey all my experience in electronic music and sound design to depict a desolated and uncertain world, where the background feeling is to question your rule inside of it, as well as listening to a certain echo, resonating in your mind, like a strong will to explore and decipher this wasteland around You, where the only fate You have is to forge one yourself.
☑️ This track generated good overall feedback, as well as some external requests; for instance, an actress reached me out to ask me if I could let her use the track to write a rhythm poetry lyric over it, as she was looking for certain electronic sounds that would suggest a good dose of inspiration.
👾 This is one of my favorite experiments ever, regarding electronic music. Not only because it's video game-related, but because it's a themed experiment and it helped me study and research some new musical biomes.
👾 I'm waiting as well for YOUR project; whether it's video games-related or other applications involved, I'm at Your disposal even for a chat and to discuss any details.
👉 for Music Production: CLICK HERE
👉 for Sound FX and Sound Design: CLICK HERE
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