Improving efficiencies and server overhead to help resolve issues caused by the spike in legitimate users caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the instant spike in online traffic, and especially those centered around entertainment was enormously important for a site such as ours. This was further impacting us simply by the demographic that we served being largely school-aged students, who were most affected by the increase in available online-time due to the pandemic, and were flocking to our site at the time. Through the logging capabilities added earlier on, we were able to quick determine at least a few instances of poor optimization throughout our codebase in the form of excessive unnecessary round-trips for various actions, combined with poor execution time and time complexity for largely trivial tasks. Both were largely a cause of the open-source nature of our website, which while had its enormous advantages in the form of recruiting and retaining consistent development talent, also consisted of significant overhead on the maintainers of the site (largely myself) which resulted in several instances of functional, but not necessarily thoroughly reviewed or optimized code finding its way into the codebase; multiply this by over 65 contributors over 4 years, and the technical debt was sure to pile up. I'm not going to bore anyone with the details of this resolution, just know that it was a large undertaking of a >15k line refactoring of the codebase - which admittedly was a lot of housekeeping, formatting, and re-organizing, but still was entirely necessary and did include significant reductions of server overhead for simple tasks helping to bring down our load in regular scenarios.