Google Analytics Analysis System

Aniket patel

Backend Engineer
DevOps Engineer
● Retrieving Google Analytics data via APIs using Python 3.6, Django, Django Rest Framework,
and Google OAuth client SDK.
● Generating insights from data using Pandas library and presenting them as text to help the
user of the platform to make better business decisions.
● Creating visuals using Angular.JS and chart libraries to help users. Charts that are easy,
understandable, and interactive.
● Deploying and managing the platform on Google Kubernetes Engine using Docker,
Docker-Compose, and GitLab CI.
● Monitoring and optimizing the performance of the platform using Prometheus, Oauth2Proxy,
Google Stack Trace, Memcache, etc.
● Using Postgresql as the database and RabbitMQ as the message broker for the platform.
● Scheduling and executing asynchronous tasks using Celery, Celery Beat, and Flower.
● Configuring Nginx and uwsgi as the web server and application server for the platform.
● Working with various technologies and tools such as Python, Django, Django Rest Framework,
Google Kubernetes Engine, Prometheus, Oauth2Proxy, Grafana, Angular.JS, Pandas, Analytics
Reporting APIs, Postgresql, Nginx, uwsgi, Celery, Celery Beat, RabbitMQ, Flower, Google Stack
Trace, Docker, Docker-Compose, and gitlabCI, Memcache.
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