Sofa Visualization

Oleh Sydoryk


Visual Artist

3D Renderer

3D Modeler


Product Design

Client requested high quality images for whole line of sofas.
Each sofa needed multiple variations. In total 28(sofas) 15(colors) 6(angles) = 2520 images. Some sofas also required different variations to show how mechanism works.
Usually these renders would be a big and complicated task, but using Houdini Solaris I was able to build a system that was easy to manage and make any adjustments for any particular sofa/angle/color configuration.
I had to rebuild low quality CAD models into high resolution meshes by using different workflows(remeshing, retopology, VDB conversion and vellum simulation).
I build a system to automatically assemble scene and center camera around sofa with proper parameters for each camera angle.
With this setup I was able to output properly organized and named files.
I was able to optimize render times by rendering unique part of the image only once and combining all parts in compositing.
Here are sofas with the same color and angle:
Let's look at few angles for single sofa in full resolution:
All possible variations for single sofa
All possible variations for single sofa
Example of switching between different models, camera angles and sets:
Houdini Stage, this is where whole scene is setup
Houdini Stage, this is where whole scene is setup
Houdini Comp, final image assembly happens here
Houdini Comp, final image assembly happens here
Houdini TOPs, this is used to automate renders and comp jobs
Houdini TOPs, this is used to automate renders and comp jobs
I also rendered top view for each sofa, so that it can be used in dimensions image:
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Posted Feb 27, 2025

Build a procedural system in houdini to process sofas and output final images.






Visual Artist

3D Renderer

3D Modeler


Product Design

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