A very good Dolphin 🐬

Dhruvil J Patel

Google Drive
This story is about a dolphin whose name is 'Marie'. This a Dolphin which is owned by a rich person of the new York.
Once upon a time, in the crystal-clear waters of a tropical paradise, there lived a remarkable dolphin named Delfina. Delfina was not just any dolphin; she was known throughout the vast ocean for her kindness, wisdom, and unwavering sense of duty to protect her marine friends.
Delfina's radiant smile and shimmering blue skin set her apart from the rest of her pod. She spent her days exploring the colorful coral reefs, playing games with the smaller fish, and singing enchanting melodies that echoed through the underwater world. Her melodious tunes were like magic, calming even the fiercest of storms.
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