Project Manager
User Researcher
I enjoyed the initial concept and design very much, but I still felt that there was more that I would do to improve it. So I thought "How can I make a great project better?" and I think I did so with my quick redesign of the initial landing and home page. It made more sense to try and make the virtual space comfortable for users, as through the research they all felt a sense of worry about things that could go wrong on their trip and not knowing how to navigate it in a place away from home. Through the initial project, I got a great idea of how to properly navigate when dealing with a wicked problem and the choice of a redesign made me realize what I was comfortable with and what I could work on to become a better designer. And with that, I will continue to take on projects and opportunities to help me improve and hone in on my skills (and maybe take the chance to learn new things while I am at it)!
Posted Aug 1, 2023
Tag-Along, a travel app there with you throughout all of your explorations!
Project Manager
User Researcher