Coffee Delivery

Renato Marques Teles

Frontend Engineer
Software Engineer
Web Developer
Landing Page
Landing Page
React-based app that simulates a coffee shop delivery website from product browsing to the checkout process. ☕️
This app was developed as a challenge during the Ignite Bootcamp by Rocketseat. 🚀
Try it now! Live demo: Coffee Delivery
I used a variety of technologies and techniques to build Coffee Delivery, including TypeScript, Context API, Reducers, and Styled-components. These tools allowed me to create a dynamic and responsive interface that's both easy to use and visually appealing.
I'm particularly proud of the Toast Notifications feature that I implemented as an extra, which provides real-time feedback to users on their orders and payment status. This was achieved through the use of React-hot-toast, a popular toast notification library for React.
For more details on how I built Coffee Delivery, here is the repository link:
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