I can help you to setup new Facebook/Instagram Ads campaigns, optimize the current ones and can even help you to better understand the existing advertising strategies to get the best profitable leads to turn into sales.
My Campaign Setup Includes:
★Complete campaign setup
★Attractive Ad Copies
★Ads Extensions
★Audience Research
★Demographics Setup
★Ad group structuring
★Call Ads if applicable
★Campaign Strategy Planning
★Location Targeting
★IG/FB Organic Strategy
★Pixel Setup
If you think that I might be suitable for your project, send me an invite and then let's set up an initial strategy call.
If you opt for a bargain and employ an inexperienced individual, it will eventually prove more expensive. This represents the actual expense incurred by not engaging with me, and that expense of avoiding my services is consistently higher than the investment in working with me.
Therefore, you face two options... #1 Invest to gain knowledge. #2 Invest to remain ignorant.
The decision is yours...